Human Chess Game at Marostica

Human Chess Game at Marostica

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Two weeks ago I attended the Chess festival at Marostica, Italy.

The chess festival at Marostica tells the story of the daughter of Taddeo Parisio Marostica. Two noblemen contend to marry the beautiful, blonde-haired daughter of the Lord of Marostica. The daughter’s name is Lionora. In those days, these matters were usually settled by the sword.

However, to avoid any bloodshed between the two young and talented noblemen, the King decided that the two should match wits instead of swords in a game of chess. The King would give his daughter in marriage to the winner of the game. Both were known thoughout the kingdom as accomplished chess players. The loser would be given in marriage to Oldrado, the dark-haired, older sister of the lovely Lionora.

Lionora with her maid while the court jester looks on:

Let the game begin!

This is who 
Rinaldo d'Angarano must "settle" for?! I don't think there were any losers at the end of this game.

Now THAT's a candle!