How to incorporate chess/Go training during exercise

How to incorporate chess/Go training during exercise

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This is my first post ever on a chess site.  I will attempt to incorporate tips to increasing effectiveness of training in chess and general understanding of strategy.

It is my sincere hope that anyone reading this benefits from this, and I am open to responses of questions of what to do for training.

 My days generally start at 6 am.  This is after going to bed around 10 pm the night before.  So I get an ok sleep, after generally getting woken around 1 am to let the Chihuahuas out for a leak in the middle of the night, or my wife does this too.  I get up, work on some drumming rudiments, do some situps, then work on the left handed guitar.  Then I feed the cats, eat, and half the year drive in darkness and cold to the hospital where I work to monitor patients during angioplasties.  During the lunch hour I generally study life and death problems while eating, 1 hour each day, partly because I have found it helps both my chess and Go games and I dont need a board to move pieces due to the nature of Go and its positions.  If you know what you are looking at for example, in this picture of a Goban, there are the equivalent of many chess games going on all at once, and the pieces do not move, it is entirely positional, so this is advantageous in reading out positions when you dont have a board to move pieces on, like chess generally requires.


 So, this brings to the main body of this post.  

Efficiency of time usage.  I dont like to waste time.  Ever.  I dislike stop lights and speed limit signs.  That being said, how can I maximize retention and incorporate cross training so my brain grows as fast and strong as possible?  

1) Patience:  Self regulate by listening to how you feel and grading your effort.  It is important to practice anything for small amounts.  Then wait.  Im prepared to wait forever if I will advance in understanding.  It is the small moments when insight comes in a quiet still voice.  By pausing and listening, a person can and will improve.  Diligence, effort, and patience.

When I get home after driving through Calgary traffic, I generally like to lift weights.  I have over 400 lbs in the basement and no one but me is counting on me to get the job done.  I do things because I can and I see opportunities everywhere.  

Here is what I have found helps my exercise training, specifically weight lifting:  Studying of chess.  I did study Life and Death problems for Go, but due to the nature of that game for the most part I found it way too fatiguing, at least during weights.  Due to the nature of chess tactics this gets me feeling really aggressive.  There are of course days where I do need what Go offers in terms of study, however for now Im back to chess study during weights.

 Perfect.  Just what I need before repping 400 lbs on deadlifts or 250 for sets of 8 on rock bottom squats.  I think chess study during rest periods of 2 minutes is perfect, whether it is review of games or checkmate problems.  I have my magnetic chess set and several chess books placed on my 50 watt Marshall guitar amp which doubles as table and chair for my piano practice.  This amp also allows for a chess table.  I do the heavy sets, then rest 2 minutes while studying each move, currently I am working on the Caro-Kann defense lines of one of the books.  I find that lifting and the motor patterns from the chess work good together.

The main reason for this post was so that people can realize how to use Chess and Go study for their possible physical effects.‎;;‎;;  I find that Go is energizing, but in a different way than chess, more of an endurance energy, whereas chess to me helps in extreme stress and heavy lifting where you must get the weight up or be crushed to death.