
Where can I buy a chess set similar to the one used in Lyons 1990?


Well...a Chavet from My Collection. King 10cm


Lovely set, 5xadrezmemoria7


I'm looking for near identical pieces used in top GM events nowadays.

Example link:

Why are such pieces so difficult to find and afford but at the same time very easy for the tournament organizers to get exactly same set every single time.

5xadrezmemoria7 - do you know any online stores that have similar pieces.


It's a shame Chavet doesn't make the same style anymore. I have both their current design and the old one, and much prefer the old one...

Here's the early 90s design:

And here's the current design:


As I said this set in Europe ins't very dificult to find. Chavet chess is today sell by Morize

As the set  you put in tinyurl is very esay to find in any european chess online store

To my chess club I bought eight sets in a German store called EuroSchach Dresden :

but you can find the set in another fantastic German Schach Niggemann store:

As the set  you put in tinyurl is very esay to find in any european chess online store.

Are you sure, i'm talking about these FIDE approved chessmen with the "chubby" like appearance also known as rounded king shape.


Are you sure, i'm talking about these FIDE approved chessmen with the "chubby" like appearance also known as rounded king shape.

Those are DGT pieces (specifically, the DGT TImeless set) that DGT sells along with their electronic boards. You can find them on the DGT site.



Here's a better view at the differences between the old and new Chavet design (mostly, different Queen, King and Bishop).


New Design:

Old Design:

FrankHelwig wrote:

Are you sure, i'm talking about these FIDE approved chessmen with the "chubby" like appearance also known as rounded king shape.

Those are DGT pieces (specifically, the DGT TImeless set) that DGT sells along with their electronic boards. You can find them on the DGT site.


The above-mentioned pieces do have like i said different appearance than what DGT sell nowadays. The king is most noteworthy with this again nickname "chubby" and rounded edges at neck height. 

FirebrandX wrote:

Both types are made by DGT. In fact, both can be seen in that same Norway tournament on different boards. You can always contact DGT on their web site to inquire about the difference.

I have tried contacting DGT. 

My question was: Is there any indications that new DGT Chessmen will be available for sale in the near future. Or is DGT satisfied enough with the current assortments. 

And their reply was:

"We are not planning in distributing the new Chessmen. What I tried to write is, that other companies buy the technology from us and built their own e-chesspieces.

We are satisfied with our assortment and do not plan to expand on this. Be aware that we need to buy more than 1 set of Chess Pieces equipped to become an e-pieces"

"When we decide to broaden/change the design, we will note your suggestion."

FirebrandX wrote:

I had a little trouble understanding his english, but it basically sounds like 3rd party companies can now make their own e-pieces for the DGT board. Perhaps various countries buy the cheapest offerings, and maybe that's why there was a mix of the different sets in that Norway tournament.

Might be hard to identify the names of the third party companies. Also we have to account that these particular chessmen i mentioned is commonly seen the last 12 years in my country on GM levels.

Maybe the only reasonable way is to reask DGT.


Please, if you are searching a very good chess pieces, please visit

agusanchez wrote:

Please, if you are searching a very good chess pieces, please visit

Thanks for that link - you're offering a set that I have been trying to find for some time. Just placed an order.


I am still searching for the old design of the Chavet. No luck :(


Is this the old design? Queen is a little different again? anyone have any info?


I think this is still the same as the new design. 


Hi guys, I'm also trying to identify this Karpov/Kasparov 1990 set. I agree that the closest Chavet set seems to be 153 in size 6:


Assuming one doesn't mind the different queen design, it also seems to me that the set used in the tournament is not made of beech (like the ones above). Pictures on the internet show the whites less pale than beech, and the blacks more dark brown than black, giving me as feeling that the set could be walnut/maple for example. Number 153 above is "finition noyer" (maple finish) but it looks too dark for me. Am I missing something? Which wood do you think was used?


Finally the board used is quite light, with a thin dark line around the play area. And here once again the black squares feel like maple or something else to me. The board looks to me very similar to number 165 here:


The issue being that the board doesn't exist in 55mm squares.


Would you agree with that? Again interested to hear your idea about the wood used if you have anything to say.

I'd like to recreate something as close as possible to that set. Will try to see if I can contact chavet.


Pierre0637 wrote:

Number 153 above is "finition noyer" (maple finish) but it looks too dark for me. Am I missing something? Which wood do you think was used?


that translates as Walnut Finish, not Maple Finish...

Chavet sets are made of boxwood harvested locally in the Jura Mountains (as you can tell from the URL "Echecs en buis du Jura"), w/ a brown stain for the dark pieces. Here's a 1990 set:







Great pics Frank. Here's my vintage set compared to the current #6 Chavet. Much larger. And more detail in the steeds ... 


You are a bad influence on me.  happy.png

I just ordered a set of the Chavet No. 5 here:

They ship to the US, and with the Current Euro/Dollar exchange rate, prices aren't too bad.