
New chess variant. Close to Omega Chess


This is the layout. All the new pieces moves are below it. I was curious if anyone could make this as a program for me.  I do not need any AI at all.

2 player only. Just need a program I can place online. To play with my friend, who moved across country.(plus anyone else who may want to try it) We used to play every day. I would like the program, to show possible, legal moves. When each piece is clicked. Plus not allow illegal moves. That is all. I would be willing to pay someone to code this. I have been trying to learn for 7 months. Yet I'm lost. So all I can hope to do, is pay someone to help me out.

X's are where leapers can go.

Arrows are sliders.

Leapers may jump over the black, off board, areas to get to a free tile.


Do you know the 'Game Courier' on-line playing system of It seems this is designed for easily doing the thing that you want. It would require you to make some 'preset', basically a game definition, and that is it.

Some time ago I also designed a kind of server for turn-based Chess games, and configured it for Chu Shogi and Serawan Chess ( , although it doesn't seem to run since they upgraded the server to 64-bit). To make it usable for any Chess variant with just changing the graphics on the html page, I did not have it check any rules, though. It was just intended as an on-line replacement for a wooden Chess board.

But it would not be very difficult to expand the JavaScript client to impose rules for a specific Chess variants. I already made a page that highlights possible moves of various variant pieces, for the purpose of explaining the rules of Chess variants. E.g. . It highlights the moves, but does not allow you to actually move pieces around. This would be a rather trivial change, however.


My only proplem is I can't understand programing code at all. Everywhere I try to learn this. They assume I have a basic understanding in programming. Which sadly I do not. I get so lost trying to learn it. Because everything to teach me I find. Assumes you aready know a decent amount. Which is insane that I can't find one that truely teaches someone from screatch. So like I said, paying someone to make it for me. Looks to be my only option. Which is sad, because this is the first thing in my life. I could not learn. Mainly just because I can't find any info, I can understand, for a beginner. So if I paid you, would you be willing to help me?


Also the 'Game Courier'on does not allow for a board shaped as mine is, or at least from what I figured out. Plus even that uses basic progrming in it. Which just is gibberish to me, sadly.


The reason I wanted the legal moves shown was I want to teach others. Because they have trouble learning on my marble set I made. They have a lot of trouble seeing the wizards moves. So I must tell them after I move it. Who it puts in danger, because they always miss it. I figured being both overhead 2d. As well as letting them check moves, before moving. Would help them learn to play a lot faster. I only have one friend that knows the game well. He just moved 3,000 miles away. So now I just long to play, my favorite game.

Yet I can't not play it with anyone, but myself. Which just is not the same. Because the people I am trying to teach it to. Don't even know how to play chess. So they must learn all 13 pieces. Which is a lot to learn. Plus they can't see even a few moves ahead, most times. Because they are not used to it, Nor do they make every pieces protected by two or more pieces. So it's not like I can lose to them. Which sort of kills it's fun too.

If online, I will be able to find plenty of players.  In the well over 7 months. (most likely over a year) I have been trying to figure it out myself.  I have yet to get anywhere at all. It is so frustrating. So now I just hope that someone would be willing to help me.

Because I have been told seveal times. What I want is very easy to make. As long as there is no AI. Yet none of the people who tell me that. Care to want to make it for me. Even if I'll pay them. I have been trying to get someone to take the job for about a week. I mainly just have trouble find places to ask. I'm hoping this approach give me better results.....


I am not looking for any pay. But it is just that I have the feeling that I already have stuff that is so close to what you want that adapting it would be almost no work at all.

How do you imagine the interaction between the players to work? Should there be a web page somewhere, which they can occasionally visit to check if it is their turn, and make a move if it is ('turn based'), or do you want something where both are present simultaneously, with running clocks ('live')?


I would think that turn based, would be fine. You would be a life saver if you could help me with this. If there is anything more you would like to know just ask.

Edit: After looking a how the two work more. I would prefer live/real time. Turn based looks to be a bit slower. I will take what ever you prefer. If it is easier on you.


Not sure the best way to host it, or where to. I'm up for sugestions. The game courier site sounds nice, but I don't that that applies to what you might be making. Yet if I do get this made for me. I'll figure that out after, if need be.


I'm intrigued by this chess variant. Let me know when its set up and I'll try to learn.

GideonDerTactician wrote:

I'm intrigued by this chess variant. Let me know when its set up and I'll try to learn.

If I can achive this goal. I would be more than happy to play with you!




Curious would you be making it for the game courier on

It does seem like the best place for hosting as well as making, setting up two player online easy. Like you mentioned.


No, I have no experience with Game Courier. Not even using it. Just knew it existed, and more or less served the purpose you were seeking.

I was thinking more along the lines of adapting my Seirawan-Chess turn-based server. The latest version of that already allowed clicking of the from- and to-square to enter a move. (The clicks would just copy the name of the square into the field where you would otherwise have to type the move. But this would not be necessarily a bad thing; it gives you an opportunity to still abort the move when you make a mistake., by erasing it and trying again.)

It seems all that would be needed is adding something that would highlight the possible target squares after you click the from-square, depending on the piece type. And redesigning the html page that displays the board, (which basically is just a table, with a piece image in each square). And of course have the proper piece images.

Now this is where you come in, actually. You might not be able to program, but from what you post here it seems you are able to make great .gif images. And one thing that certainly would be needed is a set of .gif files for all the piece types, on a transparent background (so that the background color of the table cell can shine through as square color, and could also be used to highlight possible move targets by changing it to, say, yellow when you select a piece). The preferably should have short names (like wb.gif for a white Bishop).

Is there a reason why you drew the board 'sideway' in your first posting? I would be more inclined to display it such that one side plays up, the other down. Of course there would be a 'Flip' button to pick which side would play up and which down.

Another question: do you hapen to know how to make a html page? If so, you might prefer to define the board look on the server page yourself.


Here are all the pieces. I posted the in my other post too. I just made it sideways to fit my screen better. I don't think I would want to play that way. Your winboard on the other thread looks great. Now is what your talking about here different from that?


If you like Omega chess, check out this variant - Cerebral (edema) Chess.

This link will bring you to my forum post, where you'll see links to a poster, photos, and the online version (still needs a few tweaks, but playable).