Nakamura Teaches The KID
One of our favorite installments from one of our favorite guest. In this series, GM Hikaru Nakamura best games in the KID are broken down, piece by piece, by GM Simon Williams.
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Hikaru Nakamura Teaches The KID Learn from the best! GM Hikaru Nakamura shows how it's done as he takes on GM Boris Gelfand on the black side of his specialty, the King's Indian Defense. GM Simon Williams presents the game and demonstrates the core King's Indian strategies and tactics which motivate Nakamura's crushing moves.
Nakamura vs Topalov: Sinquefield Cup Battles Hikaru Nakamura and Veselin Topalov may have drawn their game, but it wasn't due to a lack of fighting spirit according to Simon Williams. See what the Ginger GM has to say about this interesting, instructive, and fast-paced game!
Nakamura Teaches The KID: The Magic Number In another brilliant display, GM Hikaru Nakamura demonstrates that the King's Indian Defense is viable on the highest levels. See how he uses the "magic number" of pieces to assault GM Wesley so's kingside.
Nakamura Teaches The KID: Attack And Defense Sometimes the King's Indian Defense seems to lead to one-sided play. Not today! Against the great GM Viswanathan Anand, GM Hikaru Nakamura will have to walk a very fine line between defending and attacking. Enjoy this King's Indian game on the very highest level!
Hikaru Gets A Taste Of His Own Medicine Most days Hikaru Nakamura is the one winning with inspiring attack play. In today's video, GM Simon Williams shows you how GM Benjamin Bok flipped the script and defeated Nakamura with his own exciting brand of unbridled aggression.
Nakamura Teaches The KID: 4 Pawns Attacked Every King's Indian defender must be ready to deal with an all-out assault from White. GM Peter Svidler comes after GM Hikaru Nakamura with four pawns, but Nakamura has all the answers. Watch to find out what they are!