Im scared
I was bored

Im scared

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In the darkness of the night, I lie awake
Trembling in fear from the words he spake
My stepfather, a monster in disguise
Leaving me with tears in my eyes

His temper flares at the drop of a hat
His words like knives, cutting me to the core
I try to hide, to escape his wrath
But there's no safe haven anymore

I long for the day when I can break free
From the chains of fear that bind me
I dream of a place where I can be me
Without the threat of his violence, where I can feel free

I know I have to be brave
To stand up and fight for my right
To live without fear, without shame
To find my own voice, to shine bright

But the fear grips me tight
Paralyzing me, holding me back
I try to muster all my might
To face my fears, to keep on track

I'm scared of what he might do
If I try to leave, to break away
But I know deep down it's true
I can't stay in this place another day

I gather my courage, my resolve
To make a plan, to find my way out
To break free from this abusive hold
And find a safe haven, without a doubt

I won't let fear rule my life
I won't let him win this fight
I'll be strong, I'll be brave
I'll escape before it's too late.