the closed sicilian : past games and modern approach
The Closed Sicilian starts with
Rb8 9. h3 b5 10. a3 a5 11. Be3 b4 12. axb4 axb4 13. Ne2 Bb7 14. b3

Now with super strong engines, we can see where Black started to go in the wrong direction.
The position after 14 b3 is sharp but offer equal chances for White and Black.
If I let Stockfish 16 play itself, here's the game it produced.
by the way, Spassky's accuracy was very high (96.9) , especially when you consider chess engines were not able to assist in analyzing positions and games
So far we've seen a great win by White and Stockfish 16 playing against itself and keeping the game balanced until a draw agreed in knight vs knight endgame.
But what if you play with Black against the Closed Sicilian, what would be the best plan for Black ?
Here's my "trick", I I let Stockfish 16 play with Black against a weaker engine with White. Please note that White plays stronger than the strongest human, but is bound to lose against stockfish 16. This way we get an instructive game from the Black side.
What can we learn from Stockfish win with Black pieces ?
First, very important to play Nf6-d7 to allow the bishop on g7 to control the a1-h8 diagonal.
Then look at pawn breaks c5-c4 and d6-d5 to free Black's pieces.
Finally, using the a8 square for the Queen is key to bring attack from the queenside against the White's king who has been weakened by g3-g4 and f4-f5 and f5xg6 pawn moves.
Here's a position to keep in mind from that game. Black just played Bd4-f6!
The black rook has won the weak pawn on c2 and targets the White King.
Black's queen has control of the h1-a8 diagonal as well as the a-file with a possible Qa1 down the road.
Look at Black's king vs White's king : King Safety favors Black.
and this concludes this post about old games, stockfish 16 as well as ideas in the Closed Sicilian Defense 1e4 c5 2Nc3