
Colour Chess - app update (AI & help text), World Championships


New update of our award-winning chess variant is live on iOS & Android.

The app is now a LOT more accessible for new players, with in-game help text and a basic AI to learn against.

Oh and if you get good, the 3rd annual World Championships are later this month online. ;)



Really cool! I love it!


Pokshtya, you've picked this up far too quickly!!! You're currently thrashing me in a correspondence game cry.png

tomnorf wrote:

Pokshtya, you've picked this up far too quickly!!! You're currently thrashing me in a correspondence game

I don't know if I can win, Tom. this chess variant is so unusual but amazing.

Pokshtya wrote:

I don't know if I can win, Tom. this chess variant is so unusual but amazing.

Thank you, really glad you're enjoying it. 


what is color chess?


Sure thing. 

Each player's turn has two parts:

- In the first part, you must move to the same colour that your opponent last moved to. 

- In the second part, you must move a DIFFERENT piece, to a DIFFERENT colour. 

Your opponent then has to move to that colour in the first part of their turn, etc.  

So you're trying to limit their options, force pieces and disrupt their structure, while they are trying to do the same to you. You get forced into a difficult situation on the first part of turn, then turn it back on them in the second. Or sneakily manipulate things until they've only got one option on a colour and grudgingly have to move there. 


Great stuff happy.png Let me know how you get on or if you fancy a game! 

tomnorf wrote:

Sure thing. 

Each player's turn has two parts:

- In the first part, you must move to the same colour that your opponent last moved to. 

- In the second part, you must move a DIFFERENT piece, to a DIFFERENT colour. 

Your opponent then has to move to that colour in the first part of their turn, etc.  

So you're trying to limit their options, force pieces and disrupt their structure, while they are trying to do the same to you. You get forced into a difficult situation on the first part of turn, then turn it back on them in the second. Or sneakily manipulate things until they've only got one option on a colour and grudgingly have to move there. 
