Go ahead and paste it here.
I have a nicely sized chess library of books I've collected over the years...some rare finds as well
Please do paste them here. By rare finds what exactly are the rare finds? The younger two generations really have no collectable hobbies anymore and old DN hard back chess books sell for 1/4 of what they did 20 years ago. In some cases 1/10. Just saying. Unless those books are highly sought after and I am not talking 60 memorable games as I have seen that book go from $200-$300 1st edtion very good condition at the height of collecting to about $25 these days since it has been re-issued in algebratic notation.
But if The Sixth American Chess Congress became available in great condition I would sell my 1st son. Just joking son
But some of us still collect even though we know in 20 years if we are still alive they will be worth about nothing. Its a hobby and I love it.
So please paste away.
I have to agree with wiscmike. People under 40 have no interest in collecting books . . . we're in the process of moving and downsizing, and have faced an incredible challenge with what to do with books, furniture, and anything else that 30+ years ago would have been considered "collectable". I have a number of books that are actually "valuable" (not chess related) and have found no success selling them on Ebay or otherwise.
I have friends who have scanned their book collections completely, and discarded all the paper volumes. This is the world we live in today.
I was hoping to donate my chess collection to the library and with it money to take care of it. This might be the only way they will keep the books and not sel them. Not looking for a tax deduction. My real wish was leave it to a child but that is not going to happen. Have 5 grandchildren and that won't happen either. If our chess club had a permanent home that might happen but then we would also need a structured club with a club librarian who actualy keeps track of who has what book out. That is another problem.
I enjoy chess books. I don't want to use an e-reader to work through positions. I like having a physical book, but I know I'm in the minority now.
I dont have a huge collection of chess books myself but this past weekend a friend of mine gave me all his chess books because he hasnt played in years and said he doesnt intend to ever look at the chess books again and they were just taking up space .... he had about 70 books total which brings my entire collection to about 350 books .... The best book among his is an early edition of ECO A which I never bought over the years and this addition now completes my ECO volumes A , B , C , D , E ...all hard back and all in good condition , some even have the dust jackets still in good condition .
I love how impressive the ECO volumes look. I have only the small edition (ABCDE in one volume). My brother once took a look at it and said: "you are getting into such a beautiful world...".
I have a largish collection of several hundred chess books and even my non-chess playing son says he would never get rid of them. I especially value the old tournament books and I have several reproductions from Edition Olms in hardback, many of the Caissa hardbacks, as well as some first editions from lesser known tournaments such as Groningen 1946. In the 90s, I would stop by old bookstores when I visited Budapest or Prague or Frankfurt or Petersburg to get interesting looking used books in the local language. It was also amazing to me to see how much better the original of Nimsowitsch's Praxis was in German (even with my elementary knowledge of German) compared to the standard English translation which worked hard to strip out all of his colorful commentary.
I like ebooks, but that hasn't stopped me from still liking books. I have my own ever expanding library. I'm fixin' to get another bookshelf for chess books. I have my regular library, a separate theology library, and a separate music library. there is plenty of time to downsize when I'm dead, which is also when I'll catch up on sleep. Do you still have some books left?
If you like a complete list...message me and I'll send it to you