
What is the value of a promoted piece


Suppose I promote a pawn to a queen and I am considering making an exchange with that queen, is it valued as a queen where if I exchange it for a rook that would be bad, or do I value as a pawn because that is what it started as. I noticed that on the piece count for when I lose a promoted queen it counted it as losing a pawn, but is that what you really do?


A pawn that promoted to a Queen, IS A QUEEN.


Count what's on the board, not the captured material.


If you can safely make it a queen then it's no longer a pawn, it should be valued as a queen. But if you have to, for example, promote to a queen, at which point they can take with a rook and you can recapture their rook, you have benefited there. Then it's not like sacrificing a queen for a rook, because at the point you promoted the pawn was only a potential queen.

If you make a queen that can't be immediately taken you have to value it as if it's the queen you started the game with, and you don't want to be exchanging it for a rook, unless it makes the win simpler.


I have to say the question is not relevant at all. The piece value is a guide which may be helpfull when you are first playing, but everything in chess depends on the position.

If you have promoted to a queen it is a queen, with all the value a queen has.


Exactly, the point value is just an estimated average value, meant to be used as a guideline.


Yeah the value of the promoted piece is the value it brings to your present position. A queen is worth nothing if you will get mated by promoting it. A knight could be worth the game if it gives the winning check.

I think the question he's asking is should a new queen be seen as the same as your original queen, to which I think the answer is: If it can be made safely yes. Otherwise, the value of the pawn is dependent on what you can get from it. It may be beneficial to make a queen that wins you a bishop, sometimes it may be worth making other moves before promoting to gain more from the promotion.


consider this position:

Points are great for computers and understanding relative strength between pieces, yet in some positions, they fail to address such things as in between moves, Zugzwang, etc. Always try to evaluate the particulars of a position before making what seems like a natural move, if the position is especially at a critical juncture. This can save you from draws and defeats based on playing the "natural" move instead of the best move.


Nice example Portland



Thank you. For the full study to see how the position unfolded, you can Google "Scossi's Mate"


Suppose though you have not lost your orignial queen would it still be valued as a queen.

brisket wrote:

Suppose though you have not lost your orignial queen would it still be valued as a queen.

Is there any reason why it shouldn't?

If it looks like a queen it's a queen, its history is unimportant.

brisket wrote:

Suppose though you have not lost your orignial queen would it still be valued as a queen.

You have not understood the replies!


I think the point of the question was that, in some cases, when there is a limited time for a chess game that won't be continued, the winner is decided on the guideline value of pieces (mostly amateur tournaments or friendly play). For example, in a game I saw at school, someone was winning in terms of points and the play time was almost over, then the opponent took a promoted queen. Since nobody achieved checkmate, whether the promoted queen was worth 9 or 1 point would decide the winner.