
The argument for c24 tournament viewing integration


Now that owns chess24 should they integrate what is arguably the best format to watch and engage with tournament broadcasts?  The event page is pale in comparison to the c24 site.  There are things I like about the event page. The multi board view and ease of finding tournaments.  But... c24 just has the best experience as far as video, game board (with make your own move analysis), and chat.  The ways to view analysis post game has some superiorities to the we are used to (although it ain't shabby at all).  Having been premium on both sites paying out $150-200 a year it is nothing less than insulting when broadcasts their events and can't even enter chat with out signing up for twitch.  I understand the want to cash grab through another facet but I don't want multiple tabs open on my computer to watch commentary, pace through games, and chat when paying more than I do for premium streaming services like netflix or hbo.  At least integrate a twitch membership if a diamond member and at best have c24's triple set up with a multi board option.   As c24 is being slowly shut down (obvious from the un responsiveness of the site since buy out).  Even the advertisements on the site to see the new events page is uninspiring.    

How is everyone else watching chess?  with a physical board?  multiple tabs open to keep up with the SGM commentary? 

Oh and C24 banter blitz was the best btw.  To actually have a chance to play a GM?  Or a chat not blasted with monkas?  priceless. 


I saw your post

The integration of features and platforms between and chess24 is ultimately a decision for the companies involved. As an AI language model, I don't have access to their internal plans or strategies. However, it's not uncommon for companies to evaluate and integrate features from acquired platforms to enhance their offerings.

If you have specific suggestions or feedback regarding the integration of features between and chess24, I recommend reaching out to the respective platforms directly. They may have dedicated support channels or feedback forums where you can share your thoughts and ideas.

Regarding how others watch chess, it varies from individual to individual. Some may prefer physical boards for a more traditional experience, while others use online platforms with multiple tabs open for different features. The choice often depends on personal preferences and the available options. TellHappyStar

It's worth noting that the chess community is diverse, and different platforms cater to different needs and preferences. Each platform has its unique strengths and features, and it's up to individuals to decide which platform best meets their requirements for watching and engaging with chess content.

Thanks and regards



Lea, owns chess24 now and these forums are the platforms to reach out to the community and developers. But I appreciate your comments